Corte Canova

The house


The farm "Corte Canova", situated in the heart of the "Parco del Mincio", not far from Mantova, ceased the livestock activity in the year 1997, turning into an organic farm, specialized in the apples produce.


The structure is made up of 4 bedrooms and a little apartment with the use of kitchen; they are air-conditioned and may accommodate till 10 people. They offer breakfast in a familiar and comfortable environment. Pets are allowed.

A bedroom

The kitchen

In Corte Canova there's a shaded area where it's possible to have a picnic lunch. There's a children amusement area, too.

More information are in the site

Agriturismo Corte Canova di Aliprandi Mario
Strada Camignana, 5 fraz. Rivalta sul Mincio - Rodigo 46040 (MN)
Tel. and fax +39 0376 653 755   Cell. +39 338 393 2112   E-mail